A lot of people put out music right at the end of 2018 so that made this list more difficult to come up with for me. I’m still rockin the music that came out late 2018. As of right now though, these are my top 5 favorite artists from 2018

Gawvi put out an amazing album this year and is a monster producer. My favs from him this year: SLINGSHOT. Fight for me. IMPERIUM.
4. Aaron Cole

Aaron didn’t put out an album this year but with all the singles he put out, he might as well have. He’s got more of a poppy feel and makes some good feel good music. My favs from him this year: Off My Back. Motions. The Other Side.
3. Ty Brasel

Ty hit us with the full Destined for Greatness album this year and it’s a monster. Very melodic album and the lyrics are encouraging. There’s a lot of focus on depression and anxiety and emotional music right now, and even though there’s some of that with Ty it’s a breath of fresh air to hear some uplifting music that makes you feel optimistic. My favs from him this year: No More. God Son. Praying Hands II.
2. Nobigdyl.

Solar is the album of the year. Dyl has a perfect balance of melodic singing and straight lyricism. Also has a perfect balance of emotion throughout the project. Perfect balance of chill beats with hard hitting beats. Solar is one of my favorite albums of all time, not just this year. My favs from him this year: Pressure. Anime. Orion. Close.
1. Joey Vantes

Joey constantly and consistently puts out music that’s creative and unique to Joey. All of his beats hit hard and they’re balanced well with the way he delivers his lyrics. He might not be the greatest lyricist on the list, but I think the art he puts out is the most creative and is my personal favorite. My favs from him this year: Ghost. The Fall. Cloud.
Runner up: 1K Phew. There weren’t a whole lot of releases from 1k in 2018, so he didn’t make my cut this year. But he’s still a runner up because I mess with him heavy. Probably my second favorite artist.
This is my list not for the year, but my top 5 period.
5. NobigDyl

I liked the solar album, but I actually think Canopy is better. Can’t wait to see him on tour in March! I'm not gonna lie, his purple dinosaur video won my heart over. His skill to combine the old school flow of hip hop with a new school feel gives his music a vibe I want to mess with.
4. Ty Brasel

Destined for greatness is awesome. I love his flow and what he represents. What makes me love Ty so much is his background story. Something this game needs so bad is people who are raw. He struggled with drugs and alcohol and he is open about it. His music reflects reality. Regardless of our darkest moments, we are all destined for greatness.
3. Joey Vantes

Let me begin by saying... I honestly like Joey - even though he had a confusing name change. He has so much potential to be number one because of his amazing beats and his consistency but for me, I love lyrical perfection. Most of the time, I can’t really make out what Joey’s songs are even about, BUT he’s definitely got a unique emotion to his music unlike anyone else on this list. He’s managed to produce beats like no other and create vibes with his music that just makes you wanna jam out.
2. Tragic Hero

Straight up lyrical genius. Believe me when I tell you that he’s the real deal and will be big time one day. I’m a sucker for rappers that know how to write hardcore lyrics. This guy right here, if he continues on the path that he is on, will be number one on my list for years to come. Since he’s from the “south side of Jersey” I must say, I got a little more love for his music. I know he’s been out for a while but I’m telling you, his genius is gonna get known. Put it in the history books, Nick on Bibledingers podcast predicts Tragic Hero going down as one of the best CHH artists ever.
1. NF

On Bibledingers, you’ll soon notice that Ryan and I have different opinions on a lot of things. This is definitely one of them. For me, NF’s lyrics and flow is untouchable. Too many people compare him to Eminem because he’s white and from the same area, but you can’t reject the fact that he is something special. We are all in need of a Therapy Session at some point in our lives and his story hits home. I’m looking forward to his 2019 releases. We’ll see what he comes up with.
Memo: I’m not one of those people (like Ryan) that think just because a CHH song has the name Jesus in it, that its corny and it needs to be masked to be cool. One of my favorite lyrical songs of all time is New Portrait by KB. If you never listened to it, give it a go and let us know what you think. #teamnick all the way baby.
Additionally, I found an artist name Cortes. I absolutely love his music.. He has the potential to be better than anyone on this list. I hope to hear more from him. If anyone knows him or knows where to go to get more of his music, let us know!! The problem is, It’s like he drops a song and goes ghost.. I want him on this list!!!!!!! What’s his story?
What were some of your favorites of the year? Hit us up @bibledingers
Ding on!
-Ryan and Nick